Thursday 9 October 2014

Turn Any YouTube Video Into A GIF

Want to turn something on YouTube into a GIF, but don't want to futz with downloading third-party apps or digging around for an online converter? Here's a handy trick: just add 'gif' to the beginning of the URL. 

For example, you'd turn: 

Then set the GIF length in seconds using the slider and and hit enter. Here's an example I made. ( via: Techcrunch )

Wednesday 1 October 2014 - Share Music Charts Within a Virtual Cassette where we can customize a cassette tape, adding text, colors and stickers, and include songs that we have available on a search engine.

The topics listed come from youtube and soundcloud, thus having an almost unlimited amount of options. In our personalized cassette we can include as many songs as you want, titles are displayed in the single link that will represent our "work.

Once created and defined the music cassette, we can comapartir the link with anyone, but you have to register via Facebook or Google ( via : wwwhatsnew )